Saturday, August 05, 2006

Writing is a tough business. I've come to appreciate those people who stuck with it, who learned the ropes through trial and error, and after many tears, tests, and turmoils, landed that first contract.

Mine came last March.

I still remember the phone call, the excitement. Little did I know the work that would be involved. Signing the contract is, after all, only the first step. I invite you to journey with me. Come along as I learn the intricacies involved in the process from contract to publication. Expand your vocabulary as we are introduced to such fun writing terms as 'galleys,' 'cover development,' and the dreaded, 'deadline.'

I shudder to think of all the things I don't know. They'll come at me eventually, I'm sure. So peek over my shoulder. Learn as I do, what comes AFTER the contract, and prepare yourself...for the day you get your phone call.

Next week: The Contract


Unknown said...

I totally cannot wait to experience what you are! So, for now, I'll follow along with you! Congratulations!

Margo Carmichael said...

What a great idea, Elizabeth~ I'm looking forward to every single installment.

Southern-fried Fiction said...

Too cool, Lisa! Looks good, too. I'll keep you nudged to make sure you keep it up! LOL

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