Monday, April 20, 2009

The Case:

Harry is found dead on the grass in Southern California. His murderers are never found.

The Mystery:

Who killed Harry? How did he die, and what became of his murderers?

The Clues:

1. The grass was on a field.
2. The murderers were killed the next morning.

The Answer:

Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free book!


Edna said...

The grass was on the field, maybe he found something he should not have.

Edna said...
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Elizabeth Ludwig said...

Hey Edna,

If a person guesses correctly, I post the response to their comment. No one won last week, and Lisa Richardson won the two weeks prior.

Good luck! Keep guessing.

Elizabeth Ludwig said...

Ah one correctly solved this week's mystery. Better luck next time, sleuths!

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