Monday, June 18, 2007

Dads are different from normal human beings. There is no weakness inside of them. Their innermost being consists of iron and grit. They are hard, firm when the need arises, and they come equipped with a ‘Daddy’ voice that instantly instills fear, respect, obedience. . .but mostly fear.Dads are hard workers. Their shoulders are broad, designed to carry the burdens of their...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Three down, five to go. Proposals that is. I've heard back from three of the eight agents I submitted proposals to, all rejections.Sigh.Being a writer means living with rejection. Lots of if. Thankfully, I've discovered a bit of wisdom that helps me to live with it.Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!Not every editor, agent, publisher is going to be foaming at the...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

It all started one dark and stormy night. Well, not really. But it sounded good, and it went with the title.Actually, it all started with a LOT of research. I booted up my computer, dusted off my keyboard, and went to work researching agents. Here’s what I found:Many CBA agents can be found just by Googling them, but who has the time? This website in particular proved invaluable for listing agents, their submission guidelines, and contact info:

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