Monday, September 01, 2008

The release of my first book, Where the Truth Lies, which I co-authored with Janelle Mowery, brought a flood of questions about co-authoring, self-editing, plotting, etc. To answer some of these questions, I've come up with a couple of short workshops geared toward helping you become a stronger, more polished writer.

Interested in learning more?
Mark your calendar! I will be teaching a class on Self-Editing for the Fiction Writer at Houston's First Baptist Church on Thursday, September 11, 2008. Inspirational Writer's Alive (IWA!) meets in Room 259 at 7:30. The class will last one hour, with a brief time at the end set aside for Q & A..
Still want more?

Janelle and I will be co-teaching a class on, what else, co-authoring! On Wednesday, February 4, 2008, from 11:00-1:00 in The Woodlands, we'll be teaching all of the basics of conducting research together, forming a plan of action, and sitting down to write. This course will be hosted by the local chapter of The American Christian Fiction Writers. Details on location to follow.


Janelle said...

Oh yeah, I'm r-r-ready. (g) It'll be fun.

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