Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Max’ism: God Cares for You
Matthew 6:25-34

Dachshunds are bred hunters, but Max has never had to “hunt” for food a day in his life. Every morning, he heads to his food bowl where he knows he’ll find plenty of sustenance to carry him through the day. I doubt he worries whether or not the food will be there every morning. He assumes that it will, and believe me, he let’s me know if there wasn’t enough. He comes to my side, stares up at my face, and waits patiently until I get the idea: “Feed me. I’m hungry.” And of course, I do, because he’s depending on me.

God is so much more careful than I am. Not once has He forgotten to provide for one of His servants, so why do I worry about whether or not He’ll give me everything I need to take care of my family? Is it that I have not fully learned to trust Him? Is it that I do not believe He could love me enough to take care of me from day to day?

Unfortunately, I think it’s a combination of both, and no matter how many times I tell myself that God loves me, sin and all, I’m still afraid that one day, God will decide I’m not worthy of His love and watch care.

And therein lies my problem.

You see it’s not my worthiness that determines whether or not God will provide for me…it’s God’s character, His nature, His faithfulness. And I’m so glad.


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