Friday, March 09, 2007

Even writers need to get away sometimes. This year, it'll be to the mountains of Colorado.

I've planned a little family vacation, but truly, I'm the one needing the rest. How wonderful it'll be to have no Internet connection, no email capability, and no time frame in which to rush around. Among the things that troubles me most, exhaustion has to be key. My creativity is stifled when my mind is tired. That's why I'm looking forward to hiding myself in the shadow of God's beauty, refreshing in the crisp air of Colorado. I plan on spending a lot of time in front of a roaring fire with only my word processor to keep me company.

I hope you'll find time to get away this year. May your week be blessed.


Southern-fried Fiction said...

Can I sneak into your suitcase, Lisa? I'd adore to get into the mountains! We live close to the north GA mountains, and I think I need to plan a trip, too. Have a spectacular time!

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