Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm home, exhausted but happy with the success of the ACFW book signing, held at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota. What a wonderful experience! Over 150 authors descended on the Mall, and thousands of fans were there to witness the event.

Never been to the Mall? Check out this picture, built entirely from Legos!

And here I am with dear friend and former critique partner, Virginia Smith. It's a late night at the ACFW conference, but those smiles are genuine, folks. It's always great to catch up with friends.

More than anything, attending writer's conferences gives me a chance to gear-up and fellowship with other authors. I made several contacts, met with two agents, and spoke with several editors. All in a day's work! But what would a great conference be without a little fun...


Virginia Smith said...

It was so awesome to see you in Minneapolis. Once a year just isn't enough, is it?

Southern-fried Fiction said...

Man, I hate it when I can't sit with the Pennies. Y'all had way more fun than I did!

Elizabeth Ludwig said...

It was so good to see everyone. We haven't even been back a month and I already miss the fun and fellowship!

squiresj said...

It sounds like at least part of a writer's life is glamourous. I have not read any of your books that I know of. I do see one of my favorite authors commented here - Virginia Smith. I saw some books you have written that interest me.

Elizabeth Ludwig said...

(laughing) Don't be fooled, squiresj. I left OUT the part where we rode TO the book signing on a big yellow school bus...and got LOST in the MOA parking lot, to boot!

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