Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Max’ism – Happy to see You
Luke 15:11-24

Max can be counted on for one sure thing, he will always be happy to see me.

Our family went home for Christmas this year. Since we decided to fly, I arranged for Max to stay with a sitter. Yes, people will actually babysit your pet.

Anyway, we were gone for ten days. The lady who volunteered to keep Max was wonderful. She bought him toys, made him scrambled eggs for breakfast, even let him sleep in the bed with her. But he missed us. We missed him.

When we got home, I went right over to collect him. The moment he heard my voice, he leapt from the couch, jumped into my arms and licked my face. Repeatedly. All the way home, he kept trying to crawl into my lap so he could lick my fingers and sniff my neck. It was so sweet.

Funny thing is, I got the same reaction last Sunday when we got home from church. I was gone for two hours, yet the moment I walked through the door, Max leapt off the couch, ran to meet me, jumped into my arms, and licked my face. When I get home from work. . .well, you get the picture.

All of this got me thinking. Am I always so overjoyed at the prospect of spending time with the Lord? Do I miss Him when I neglect our time together? Does my heart thrill to hear His voice and do I run to meet with Him?

I must confess, my attitude is not always like Max’s shining example, especially when Sunday rolls around and my pillow beckons. Fortunately, God’s is, and He is always happy to see me.


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